How To Stop Common Foot Problems

common foot problems

Your poor feet. Your feet do so much, but they are often overlooked when it comes time to take care of them. While shoes are meant to protect and cover them, sometimes they can cause problems. In the summer, flip-flops can take a toll on the feet.

You can make your feet last longer by identifying any problems and then taking the necessary steps to fix them. These are the most common foot issues people have to deal with. We will show you how to fix them step-by-step.

What does your Chiropractor do for Foot Health?

The chiropractic care of Murphy Chiropractic is not only focused on treating spine issues. To maintain optimal health, every part of your body must work together -- feet and ankles alike.

Your overall health is affected by your footwear choices, how you walk and what problems your feet may be having. Foot pain can also be caused by spinal problems like herniated disks, spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. This could be a sign that you have systemic issues such gout. To address concerns regarding your overall health, make sure you visit your chiropractor often.

Common Foot Problems

Your feet are subject to more stress and strain than any other body part. You may have neglected your feet or put fashion before function. This can lead to many problems with your feet.

These are the most common problems that affect feet and their solutions.

Hammertoes – This might sound fun and raise interesting questions like "Is that what MC Hammer calls his feet?" Hammertoe is not something to be laughed at. Shoes that aren't fitted correctly can cause the toes of these toes to bend abnormally. To correct this condition, you should look for shoes that have a larger toe box.

Bunions I made a promise to myself that I would not make any Paul Bunyan jokes. So I will. I don't wish to be rude to anyone. Bunions, a foot condition, are not pleasant to see and can be painful to experience. This happens when the foot's shape changes and the big toe turns inward, creating a bump on the inside of your foot at the toe joint. Constrictive shoes and high heels can make this condition worse. Consider a wider pair of shoes and perhaps some padded inserts for support.

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the ligament connecting the heel and the ball of your foot. This ligament can become inflamed, or torn, which causes stiffness and pain. This is a common overuse injury that can affect anyone, no matter what their activity level. The chiropractor can show you how to stretch the foot and how to icing it.

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid within the joint fluid. Although technically it is not a foot condition. However, the biggest toe is the most affected area. It will cause swelling, pain, reddening, heat, and swelling in your big toe joint. You may need to change your diet to avoid eating red meat and alcohol, which can cause a rise in uric acid.

Everyone should avoid foot problems. Talk to Murphy chiropractors about any foot problems or pain you might be experiencing. This is a great way for you to be your best self and improve your overall health.

Dr Jen Murphy

Owner of Murphy Chiropractic and Wellness Center

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